Monday, April 5, 2021
Online Life vs Offline Line - Essay by Chandra Nishithraj
Life can change within a glimpse of second as Covid 19 changed our life. We all have never expected an online life which we are leading right now.Today everyone has the knowledge on internet access ,during the lockdown many families were in trouble for even their daily needs on their poor knowledge on online shopping. But as the time heals everyone tried to change those traditional methods of offline life to lively online life.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Roosafitha Roofi writes:
The distinction between online and offline is conventionally seen as the distinction between computer-mediated communication and face-to-face communication. Online is virtual world or cyberspace, and offline is reality.
The offline social interactions had more depth than what we are experiencing online today because we could at least hear the tone of voice through phone calls or read the body language and facial expression of the new person we have met at the reception.
It's hard to believe that we are now able to make contact with a stranger from the other side of the world in a matter of seconds. Work processes and collaborations can never be easier or smoother without the existence of these networks.
To make up for the lack of visual cues from text-based conversations, emoticons eventually came to be. Even then, we all know emoticons are simply not enough sometimes. The tone of voice we hear over the phone is a much better indicator of emoticons. When dealing with face to face interactions, there's the entire package of body languages, facial expressions, and voice to take into consideration.
There may occur many misunderstandings through an online platform. But the fact is that the online platform is like a newborn baby and the offline platform is like an adult person. So how do we compare the former with the latter?
Although interacting with others offline gives us an experience that no other mediums could, an online social life also offers something that offline life does not. Social networking sites like Facebook offer users a window to a world of ideas. We get to hear about the latest news faster than before, even in real-time, as the events unfold.
In our present world, the world that is swallowed by covid, we know the importance of online life although we praise our offline life. When coming to offline systems that we used to use before a year, it is an emotion that college, our friends, educations, etc. But in online life, all the studies and other things come to our fingertips.
A wedding reception is one of the things that many people are missing nowadays. Our previous marriage functions consist of around 5,000 people attending a ceremony that involves only two people. And there is a huge gathering then, many foods for and without and wasting a lot of food, by spending a lot of money etc. But now in this present world wedding functions are with a limited number of people.
There is a huge impact on our study systems during these pandemic days. Our class is now connecting through the online platform. On one hand, it is very difficult and not at all effective than offline classes. Students are facing lots of problems through online classes like lack of clarity, range issues, etc. It is very difficult for the parents of small children to compel them to sit in front of a phone by hearing their classes. But on looking to the other hand, it is effective and easy too. Because we can hear our classes from anywhere, at any time. We can hear the class from our own space in our comfort zones. We don't need to rush in public transports and no need to carry heavy bags on our shoulders, don't want to sit in classes with a hungry stomach, etc. We can hear and listen and study from our natural environment. Through the online class, we will have more opportunity to convey our ideas because all of the students will not have any fear through this.
We can reduce pollution too by reducing the use of vehicles in our online life.
Watching movies from a theatre is something that can express beyond words. There is a big screen, a high sound system, and also a large crowd screaming and clapping. But in an online platform, there is no screaming, clapping, no big screen, no high sounds. We will miss the real experience when we watch movies online.
Coming to online life, we don't need to go out every time and hence the fast food intake has been reduced and we started to depend on our delicious homemade food. And hence the chance to become infected or sick also reduced.
Even though there are a lot of disadvantages to online life, online communication became Hobson's choice now.
Offline communication has its beauty and depth. It is an experience.
As a whole, both online and offline lives have their advantages and disadvantages. And now if there is no mean of online life, the world would have become stagnant.
It seems there are two types of people; one who complement their offline social life with their online one, and the one who pretty much replace their offline life with online life. Extending our offline social network to online activities like chatting and social networking sites is a good way to attain a balance between both worlds.
Above all, we are now compelled to become familiar with online media too.
One of the most of used terms after the pandemic is the term 'new normal'. The new normal in education is the increased use of online learning tools. The covid-19 pandemic has triggered new way of learning. All around the world, educational institutions are looking toward online learning platforms to continue with the process of educating students. The new normal now is a transformed concept of education with online learning at the core of this transformation. Today, digital learning has emerged as a necessary resource for students and schools all over the world. For many educational institutes, this is an entirely new way of education that they have had to adopt. Decoding and understanding these positive and negative will help institutes in creating strategies for more efficiency delivering the lessons, ensuring an uninterrupted learning journey for students. Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students. Another advantage of online education is that it allows students to attend classes from any location of their choice. It also allows schools to reach out to a more extensive network of students, instead of being restricted by geographical boundaries. Another adventage of online learning is reduced financial costs. Since online classes can be taken from home or location of choice, there are fewer chances of students missing out on lessons every student has a different learning journey and a different learning style. Some students are visual learners, while some students prefer to learn through audio.
The main difference between online and offline learning is location. With offline learning, participants are required to travel to the training location, typically a lecture hall, college or class room. With online learning, on the other hand, the training can be conducted from practically anywhere in the world. Participants simply need to log on to the internet from their home, work or even their local coffee shop.
Another difference is the flexibility offered online learning usually has a more flexible time scale. With offline learning, it is typically carried out between office hours and doesn't offer as much flexibility to the learner or the trainer.
Besides these two differences, the benefit of learning online or offline are practically the same. Online qualifications are just as internationally recognised as offline ones and the standards of learning are also identical.
For many students, one of the biggest challenges of online learning is the struggle with focusing on the screen for long period of time. Another key challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. While internet penetration has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years, in smaller cities and towns a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
There are a lot of merits and demerits in online classes and offline classes.In offline classes face to face interaction is possible and teachers can understand the level of their students whether they understand or not. But the teachers can cover very few portion of the subject. If the students get bored then they can not focus on the class. There is a chance of getting bored and tiredness . Average Students can grasp the concept only twenty minutes so the rest will be missed.
Online classes is a product of modern technology . Today's world is entirely different from the world of yesterday. There is a world of difference only because of the development of the technology . Each and every seconds technology is developed. When we check the merits of online classes , we know that it is very useful to all for getting the classes and learn anything from anywhere without any boundaries . During the Covid pandemic we get the classes without reaching to the institute because of online class. If there is no option for taking classes , what can we do? . Can we just think about it ? . We cannot forget the help of the online classes, that much we obliged to it. It has limitations teachers can not get any idea whether the students get the classes or not and physical presence is not available in it. Even though it is very useful to revise the topic again and again because the materials are always with us.
Let me conclude this, both have negative and positive sides but the thing is that how we approach it and the level of interest in learning .
The main difference between online and offline learning is location. With offline learning, participants are required to travel to the training location, typically a lecture hall, college or classroom. With online learning, on the other hand, the training can be conducted from practically anywhere in the world.There is a chance for the teachers and students to bond with each other and form social relationships. Online classes do not have much scope for social interaction among students. There is more scope for classroom discussions and debates in offline classes.Online Education is a very flexible learning system that allows students to study solely via the internet on their own computer at home, or wherever they see fit.
Basically, student-teacher face to face meetings are not required, allowing students to study anywhere in the world.learning online is different from learning in a face to face setting, and it is important to think about your goals, your needs and your interests before committing yourself to something. You also need to think about the time you have available, your comfort level with using technology and the equipment that is at your disposal. As we all become more familiar with computers and computer access becomes increasingly common, online learning will continue to open doors and offer learning opportunities for those who are interested.
Monday, March 22, 2021
3 ESSAY WRITING EXERCISES....Try completing the incomplete words/idioms in the 3 essays.
1. Why do so many people want to study in English?
English has become a
common medium of instruction in many countries around the world irr
of the fact that it is used it as a first language or not. In countries like
India, it is the language of teaching in schools, colleges and universities;
also in offices, business transactions, meetings, conferences, seminars and
workshops, the interactions and
discussions take place mostly in English.
People nowadays are very much interested in learning various subjects and
skills in English because they think that whatever is learnt and understood in
English can be easily communicated in English. A well qualified person
with good communications skills in English is seen as a global professional who
has unlimited opp of growth and development.
In this era of globalization and technological revolution in information and
communication, English assumes a special status because of its acceptability
among various nations owing to historical reasons and also because of its com
with digital technology used in computers, Internet, mobile phones, tablets
etc. It can be said that English has become the lin franca of the
modern world.
So in conclusion it can be said that since education makes people asp
for better jobs so by becoming proficient in English they can connect with the
world and seek better opportunities for personal and professional success.
Moreover in this century dominated by tools of information and
communication, English provides the common and easy link to people speaking
different native languages and living in different societies to come together
and participate in the process of achieving goals collectively as a team.
2. How do you think the problem of unemployment can be solved in your
Unemployment is surely an important
issue that requires a serious discussion. Now, how do we address the issue of
unemployment? What are the means and ways to solve this problem? Let's search
for new ideas and solutions.
First of all, we need to upg our educational
institutions. They should be able to provide an education that leads to better
employment and self-employment opportunities. Vocational and soft skill
training should be a part and of the school or college curriculum
to increase the employability quotient of our students.
The next step is to encourage a culture of dig
of labour. People shouldn't feel bad when they are in a particular profession
or job. This also creates a positive environment for improving the unemployment
Since agriculture provides maximum employment in rural
areas, the govt. and its agencies should help the farmers un-learn and re-learn
in order to be more productive. The farmers should also be well compensated
against climate change and market fluctuations.
As private companies employ the lio share of
the job market, they should be given incentives and relief measures for better
growth and development. Developing the infrastructure like better roads and
other means of transport, efficient power supply and easing the rules to start
a business would go a lon way in winning the confidence of the
So in conclusion, it can be said that the issue of
unemployment is a social challenge and the society has to address it in a
collective and comprehensive manner. Only then we can end this men
that affects a large number of people.
we can't imagine a world without social media. Life looks impossible without
its daily use. Now the question is how it influences our youth. The youngsters
use social media mostly for giving them entertainment and information in the
form of text messages, emojis, pictures and videos that they enjoy. Social
media keeps them upd about what is happening in their world of
friends, family members and acquaintances.
biggest problem with youth using social media is that they unconsciously become
add to this medium, fall into a trap of unhealthy habits like
sleeping late, eating while watching social media related data, getting
withdrawn into their own world and often neglecting their duties and
responsibilities as a student and a family member. Staring too much at the
digital images, data and video can have a harmful effect on their eyes and
bodies. They also don't get time for proper physical and mental exercise, thus weakening
their cognitive, metabolic and muscular faculties.
the same time, a disciplined and prudent use of social media can help the youth
in getting the much needed break from a busy academic or work schedule, provide
them a whi of fresh air and also act as a support system. The
society should guide the youth in using social media for their holistic growth
and development thus making it a gam changer in
creating a bright future and a better world for the future generations.
Roosafitha Roofi writes: The distinction between online and offline is conventionally seen as the distinction between computer-mediated comm...
1. Why do so many people want to study in English? English has become a common medium of instruction in many countries around the world ...